I recently bought myself a new camera and have been getting to grips with all the features it contains. Yesterday was a beautiful day (unusual for a Bank Holiday Weekend) so I spend some time out in the garden playing with my new toy and really finding out what it can do. One of the features I had rather ignored was the automatic focus button and thought it was something that was beneath my capabilities as an experienced photographer - perhaps not in a dissimilar way to how we think we know better than God when we disregard that small, still voice in our heads in preference to doing something the way we want to do it. How many times when we have failed at doing it our way do we realise that simple idea that we pushed aside was actual the best way and the job would have been done in half the time had we tried it first?

Getting back to the camera, I had tried all of the other features and taken numerous trips back into the house to upload pictures I had taken and study them to see how they had turned out and thought I would do a comparison with the auto focus and scene selector button. I sat in my chair on the decking and zoomed in on various plants and features in the garden that were way quite some distance away and could not even make out clearly with my naked eye. I was stunned by the results. Everything came into sharp focus and really made things stand out in sharp relief as it clouded out the background. That button that I had discounted was simply amazing.
Once again I was reminded of Jesus. How often He is just a blurred image in our thoughts and minds - we know He is there but we just don't look very closely. But, oh, the wonders when we do finally fix our minds on Him and focus on him properly. He stands out clearly and the rest of the world seems to fade away - just in the words of that old hymn - Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of this earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His Glory and grace.So, what lessons has my camera taught me? To begin with, never consider myself to be so good at something I have no need of being shown another way, especially without even trying it first. If I try it and don't like it or don't think it any better than what I am already doing then, fair enough, carry on as I was but I never know what delights I might discover if I don't try something new.
More importantly, I know I should fully focus on my Lord and King and spend time in His presence and concentrate on Him and, when I do, He will be there, magnificent and glorious. He truly is a beautiful Saviour and worthy of gazing at - the more I look, the more I see and the more I listen the more I learn. Ever patient, ever faithful, ever waiting for me to turn to Him, He is always there in the background of my life, often neglected and forgotten, but when I zoom in with that automatic focus He takes pride of place and He is simply wonderful.

As I sat down at my desk at work today I had that feeling of rising panic that threatened to engulf me as I looked at all of the things I had to do and yet did not quite know where to start.
All of a sudden the words 'God is my strength' came into my mind rapidly followed by more phrases. As I was already sitting at my computer I quickly started to type and, for a few minutes, the words flowed. It was the strangest feeling that it was me praying the words to God but it was Him who was giving me the words to say. At the same time everything around me faded away, the chatter of people on the shop floor below me, the churning of the heating system and the drone of the fridges and freezers in the food hall all ceased to exist and I had a feeling of tremendous calm and peace. Time seemed to stand still although, in reality, it was only a couple of minutes.
When the world came back into focus I emailed myself the words that had flowed and it is only now, reading them back, that I recognise that they are not particularly words and phrases that I would have used myself and are interspersed with verses from Scripture. I am more and more convinced that the Holy Spirit was interceding for me, just as it says in Romans 8:26 - In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;.
As for the work load, it was nothing. I skipped through everything and cleared work that had been sitting there for weeks. God was in control of my life today and I feel Blessed.
Here are the words that came to me:
God is my strength my rock and my fortress in Him do I trust, He is a shield about me. I turn to Him in anguish, I trust Him with all my heart and lean on Him for understanding and let peace fill my heart. Blessed is His holy name. My heart sings for joy as His blessings shower upon me. Thank you my God and King you have saved me from the miry pit. O holy one, redeemer of Israel and creator of all mankind your greatness and righteousness abound for all eternity. Your loving kindness will last forever and I will sit at your feet in wonder and awe.